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Megan Renee Creative


luxury life coach serving women in and around south carolina

My Why:

I started my coaching journey because I was seeing so many women come into the studio who were in need of a confidence boost for a reason:

They needed to feel seen, appreciated, pampered, and beautiful- because they weren’t experiencing that in their everyday lives. It is so rewarding to watch someone have such a transformative experience where they truly saw themselves for who they really are, maybe for the first time!

But then, I would see or talk to them later and find that their mindset had reverted to where it was prior to their session. This was disheartening to me, and I wondered what else I could do to support them in a way that had long lasting effects.

This is where my coaching services were born. I want to truly help empower you by providing one on one virtual life coaching that creates real change.

I specialize in helping women to heal from narcissistic abuse, toxic relationships, finding purpose and confidence in their lives.

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